
The ethology service aims to solve the behavioral aspects that pose a problem in the coexistence between people and their pets without necessarily being a pathology. Our goal is, as always, to ensure respect for animals, advise, train and involve owners in the resolution of different situations such as cases of separation anxiety, inadequate urination problems, aggressiveness, introduction of a new pet or of a baby, among others. We have puppy socialization classes, working groups with aggressive dogs and basic training.

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Hablemos de salud dental

Muchos cuidadores piensan que la boca de sus mascotas está sana cuando no es así. De hecho, el 80% de los perros y gatos adultos tienen problemas orales, que pueden resultar difíciles de identificar. Estamos aquí para ayudar a que tu perro tenga una sonrisa mucho más sana.


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