Insurances we work with

When we acquire a pet, we acquire an important member of the family that will bring joy. In addition, a pet represents also a big responsibility not just in its care (medical assistance and home care) but also in possible harm caused to other pets and people. 

Therefore, our advice at the AniCura Glòries Hospital Veterinary is for you to insure your pet, which will offer you great peace of mind in case of any incident, from the coverage of veterinary expenses in case of accident or illness and possible damages to third parties caused by the animal, among others. 

Below these lines we mention some of the insurances in which the AniCura Glòries Hospital Veterinary is within its medical coverage:  

  • Mussap
  • Mapfre
  • Agrupació Assurances du Crédit Mutual 
  • Allianz 

Hablemos de salud dental

Muchos cuidadores piensan que la boca de sus mascotas está sana cuando no es así. De hecho, el 80% de los perros y gatos adultos tienen problemas orales, que pueden resultar difíciles de identificar. Estamos aquí para ayudar a que tu perro tenga una sonrisa mucho más sana.


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